About Mike

Mike on Guacamole Trail
Sandra Beubien

Who am I

I'm a native of Ottawa-Gatineau. I grew up, went to school here and I've been mountain bikign since 1986.  I'm a PMBI and BICP certified instructor and an instrcutor with Ride Ottawa.  I love all types of riding including trail riding, downhill, dirt jumping, fatbiking, gravel riding and bikepacking.  I am constantly trying to learn more about skills, techniques and equipment and improve my riding through training and practice.  I've been around long enough to remember the times before front suspension and clipless pedals.  12 months a year I am outdoors on 2 wheels, fatbiking, bike packing and gravel riding if the MTB trails are not yet open, logging hundreds of rides every season.  MTB instruction is my latest passion and you can often find me geeking out with anyone who will listen over important things like whether or not to put your outside foot down in corners, or how to apply more pressure into the front tire to get faster.


I love to travel to ride other places and my annual trips usually include Hurricane and Moab Utah, the various Quebec City and Eastern Township networks, Vermont U.S.A. including Kingdom Trails, the Adirondacks in New York state, and British Columbia Canada includign Whistler.  Each year I also do some bikepacking in Eastern Canada around Calabogie, Algonquin Park and sometimes Charlevoix.


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